Thursday, January 28, 2016

Christmas 2014

Christmas 2014 was a North Carolina year.  So we squeezed in a little family celebration at home before we left.  Ryan came home a few hours early from work, so we all got to open our presents to each other and also with Ryan's folks.  These kids crack me up.

her haul

Scout loves playing Santa

he loved his sock monkey from scout

best investment ever...headphones and a splitter for watching videos on the plane ride

this robot suit from Jaclyn was the hit of the night

Grandpa is such a good sport!

Grandma too!

And then, we're off!  Headed on our journey to a fun few days in NC!

In the airport...on our way

Ryan forgot my stocking, so I got mine in his athletic socks. :)

Santa came through on that airplane

beloved Nana

Poppop showing him a photo of them together

we do love to read

helping Nini prep the fruit salad

mash potato queen

Yum.  Christmas dinner.

fun time with Grandma Dee

Red. Velvet. Cake.

I think he likes it.

gearing up for ice skating

robot at the dinner table.  You don't see that every day.

again with the Santa

Our short order cooks

put those kids to work!

her mama liked to climb trees too

this backyard never gets old

at the pond

snuggles with Nini


sledding hill

loves him some Poppop

reading to his dog

Grandpa Keith!

play dough is timeless

Scout's creation

Snuggles with Grandpa


Nana's village

Like Great-Grandfather, like Great-Grandson


Wednesday, January 27, 2016

december 2014 video love

Announcing to our kids that we are having a girl!

Scout's winter showcase.  She knew her choreography cold!

Climbing at the Y

Thrilled with his new robot costume!

Westlake Carousel on Figgy Pudding night

Singing together

Scout's learned a few verses at Sunday school

Jumping off the blocks with no hesitation

Last day of swim lessons

He loves the slide!

He's a little fish!

december 2014

December 2014 photo dump!!!

Carousel for Figgy Pudding night


A very, very wet Christmas tree cutting day.  

very wet

making a plan

the crew

chopping it down

did I mention it was pouring?

"I want a princess set, Santa"

Leif was not so sure, but he asked for an airplane

decorating the little tree

Scout gets those hard to reach places

handsome dude at Scout's winter ballet showcase

winter showcase

caroling with the neighbors

um...I'm not so sure that is how we are supposed to use the dryer.  But seriously, our 26 year old dryer died and our friends GAVE us this one that they were going to sell.  Pay it forward.

Climbing at the Y

Daddy fun day

New Years Party

my Nutcracker date

she insisted we wear our fanciest dresses. :)

a rare family shot at Figgy Pudding

Curly the camel

helping with Christmas cards

serious helpers starting to actually be a help as opposed to a liability

Leif pulled the stocking hanger down on his head.  All he wanted was for Scout to comfort him.  She read him The Giving Tree in his crib.  Just made me see that despite all the fighting, they are really great friends.

wouldn't be Christmas without cookie baking

she can do it all by herself this year

sprinkles are done!

doesn't he look 15 here?

found him sleeping like this when I went up to bed

with some pals from school

with his buddy

monorail ride!